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How to Create a Free Chatbot for Your Website: A Beginner’s Guide!

Want to create a free AI chatbot for your website? You’ve probably seen one before!

While searching for a new home or the perfect sneakers, ever notice that little icon popping up, asking, “How can I help you?” That’s your chatbot!

Chatbots are becoming the go-to tool for websites, transforming how businesses engage with visitors. Whether it’s answering questions instantly, guiding users, or offering personalized suggestions, they’re taking customer interactions to the next level.

The best part? You can create them for FREE! Yes, you read it right!

This guide will walk you through their benefits, types, and how to create your own chatbot without any cost. So, stay tuned for all the insights!

What is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is a digital assistant designed to interact with users through text or voice, simulating human conversation. These intelligent systems are programmed to understand and respond to user inquiries, offer support, answer questions, and even complete tasks. So, it’s no surprise the chatbot industry is booming, projected to hit $454.8 million in sales by 2027.

Chatbots can range from basic to advanced in their functionality. Basic chatbots follow a set path of interactions, responding to specific commands with scripted replies. More advanced bots use AI to learn from conversations and improve their responses over time, making them more adaptable and useful.

In various settings, chatbots upgrade user experiences by offering quick resolutions, guiding users through complex processes, and providing personalized recommendations. They’re widely used in customer service, e-commerce, and social media and can handle tasks such as booking appointments, answering frequently asked questions, or even helping with troubleshooting.

Step-by-Step Process to Create Your Own Free AI Chatbot

If you’re seeking guidance on how to create a chatbot for free, here are the steps you need to follow. We will use ProProfs Chat, a free chatbot tool, for this section. 

Step 1: Start the process of creating a bot

  • To get started, navigate to your dashboard and locate the Bots section.
  • Click on the “+Create New Bot” button located in the Bots section. A dropdown menu will appear; from there, select “Using AI” to begin setting up your AI-powered chatbot. 

Next, you’ll need to provide the data that your bot will use to learn and interact with users. This can include FAQs, customer support documents, or any relevant information your bot will reference during conversations.

Step 2: Configuring your bot using data

There are two configuration methods available for your bot:

1. URL: This step requires you to enter your website’s URL in the “Website URL” field. Doing so allows the system to pull data from your site, such as FAQs, product details, and other relevant content, enabling the bot to be tailored specifically to your business needs.

2. Text: If you choose not to use your website or want to add more additional information, you have the option to manually input text. This method is perfect for adding detailed instructions, policies, or other specific information that you want your bot to understand and communicate to users.

After selecting your preferred data source method and entering the required information, click the “Process Data” button to continue. This action will initiate the processing of your data based on the chosen source and provided details, preparing it for the next steps in your workflow.

After successful processing, your website data will look like this:

The processed data can be adjusted by selecting the edit icon.

Step 3: Once your website data is successfully processed, click “Start Training” to move forward.

Step 4: Select “Preview” to see your bot performing live.

Your free AI chatbot is fully operational and ready to be used!

What are the Benefits of Building a Free Chatbot on Your Website?

Building a free AI chatbot on your website offers several practical benefits that can significantly improve user experience and operational efficiency. Here are the key benefits you can expect:

Round-the-Clock Assistance

A chatbot can provide round-the-clock support, ensuring that your website visitors receive assistance at any time. This continuous availability improves customer satisfaction and reduces the need for a dedicated support team, handling common queries even outside regular business hours.

Efficient, Affordable Support

Utilizing a free chatbot helps you save on costs associated with hiring additional customer service representatives or investing in expensive software. By automating routine tasks and queries, you can efficiently manage a high volume of interactions without a significant financial investment.

Immediate Support, Lasting Impressions

Chatbots deliver immediate responses to user inquiries, reducing wait times and enhancing the overall user experience. This speed helps retain visitors who may otherwise leave your site due to frustration with slow response times.

Lead Generation and Qualification

Free chatbots can engage visitors and collect valuable information, such as contact details and preferences. They can also qualify leads by asking pre-defined questions and directing high-quality prospects to your sales team, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Maximize User Engagement

By offering interactive features like personalized recommendations, surveys, or product suggestions, chatbots can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore more of your website. This increased engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and improved customer loyalty.

Data Collection and Insights

Chatbots can gather data on user interactions and preferences, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and needs. Analyzing this data helps you understand user patterns, identify common issues, and make informed decisions to upgrade your website and marketing strategies.

What are the Different Types of Chatbots?

Chatbots come in various types, each designed to serve different purposes and functions. If you’re looking to build an AI chatbot without any cost, here are the main types to consider:

Rule-Based Chatbots

These chatbots, sometimes referred to as “decision-tree bots,” operate on a structured foundation of predefined rules and decision trees. They excel at managing simple, predictable interactions and delivering consistent responses to frequently asked questions. 

They are a cost-effective option for automating routine tasks and providing basic customer support. However, their reliance on rigid rules limits their ability to engage in dynamic conversations or understand complex language.

Retrieval-Based Chatbots

These chatbots leverage a knowledge base of predefined responses to match user queries. They utilize keyword recognition and pattern matching to identify relevant answers and deliver them efficiently. Retrieval-based chatbots offer a reliable solution for handling common inquiries and providing quick access to information. 

However, they may struggle to understand nuances in language or address complex issues that require a deeper understanding of context.

Generative Chatbots

Powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, these chatbots are trained on vast datasets of text and code, enabling them to generate human-like responses based on the conversation’s context. Generative models like GPT-3 offer unparalleled flexibility and adaptability, allowing chatbots to engage in more natural and meaningful interactions.

 They excel at handling open-ended conversations, generating creative content, and offering personalized recommendations. However, they require extensive training and fine-tuning to avoid generating biased or inappropriate responses.

Hybrid Chatbots

These chatbots combine the strengths of rule-based and generative approaches to provide a more comprehensive solution. They leverage predefined rules to guide conversations while also utilizing machine learning to understand complex language and generate dynamic responses. 

Hybrid chatbots offer a balance between structured guidance and adaptability, making them suitable for various applications across different industries. 

Voice-Enabled Chatbots (or Voice Bots)

These chatbots utilize natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition technologies to interact with users via voice commands. They offer a hands-free, conversational interface, making them ideal for applications where typing or tapping is inconvenient. 

Voice bots are increasingly integrated into smart home devices, virtual assistants, and customer support platforms, offering a convenient and accessible way for users to interact with technology.

What are the Top 3 Free Chatbot Builders?

Finding the right chatbot builder isn’t easy, especially when you’re looking for a free option that doesn’t compromise on quality. Don’t worry, though—here are the top 3 chatbot builders to check out:

1. ProProfs Chat

Best for 24/7 Delightful Customer Support With AI Chatbots

ProProfs Chat is your go-to platform for building chatbots that boost sales and deliver top-notch customer service for businesses of all sizes. This smart tool lets you train your chatbot on your knowledge base, so it can answer FAQs and provide helpful info to your customers 24/7. 

We know that first impressions count. That’s why ProProfs Chat makes it super easy to customize the chatbot window and workflow. Plus, you can easily set your brand colors and perfect the chat flow, creating a chatbot that’s truly yours!

But that’s not all—ProProfs Chat is equipped with advanced features like multilingual support, video calling, and automatic chat routing to keep you ahead in the digital space.



  • Lack of an on-premise version
  • Absence of a dark user interface option 

Pricing: A Forever Free plan with all premium features is available for small teams. Paid plan starts from $19.99/operator/month.

2. Selzy

Best for Email Marketing Campaigns

Selzy is another popular tool that allows you to create free chatbots for your website or social media pages. Think of it as having a friendly expert always ready to address FAQs, issue updates, or converse with customers. Plus, it allows you to create eye-catching popups, helping you to convert visitors into subscribers.

However, Selzy offers more than just chatbots—it’s a complete marketing powerhouse. You can create compelling emails in no time using the drag-and-drop editor and over 140 pre-designed templates. With audience segmentation, you can send personalized messages to each group. 

In simpler words, Selzy isn’t just for automating—it’s designed to foster strong customer relationships, even when you’re not around.


  • Pop-up forms to boost conversion rates
  • AI Email generator to form catchy headlines and strong CTAs
  • AI image generator to give your brand a unique and instantly recognizable look
  • Email builder to create professional emails instantly


  • Integration options are limited
  • Some features can be difficult to find

Pricing: Starts at $5.25/month (A free plan is available with limited features)

3. BotPenguin

Best for Lead-Generation

BotPenguin is a robust chatbot builder that lets you create your own chatbots for popular platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and your website. The best part is it doesn’t require coding – just point, click, and design your ideal conversation flow. 

More interestingly, BotPenguin can manage multiple conversations at once, boosting your lead-generation capabilities. This simultaneous chat handling captures more opportunities and engages more customers efficiently.

Whether you’re a startup or a growing enterprise, BotPenguin offers a scalable solution to boost customer satisfaction and achieve your business objectives.


  • Bot-to-human transfer for complex inquiries needing personal assistance
  • Multilingual support to assist customers worldwide
  • Video calling to provide instant support for complex issues
  • Powerful analytics to analyze chatbot performance


  • UI may require some improvements
  • Some functionalities may need a technical understanding

Pricing: Starts at $14.30/month (A free plan is available with limited features)

What are the Best Practices for Creating a Free Chatbot?

Creating an effective free AI chatbot involves more than just setting it up—following best practices can significantly enhance its performance and user experience. Here are some key best practices to keep in mind:

Define Clear Objectives

Start by outlining the primary goals of your chatbot. Determine whether it will focus on customer support, lead generation, guiding users through your site, or another function. Having well-defined objectives will help you tailor the chatbot’s design and functionalities to meet these goals effectively. Clearly defined objectives also assist in measuring the chatbot’s success and making data-driven improvements.

Design a User-Friendly Conversation Flow

Create a seamless and intuitive conversation flow by mapping out potential user interactions. Consider various scenarios and ensure the chatbot can handle them with ease. Use simple, conversational language to make interactions natural and easy to follow. Avoid complex jargon or lengthy responses that might confuse users. A well-designed flow ensures that users can quickly find the information they need or achieve their objectives.

Incorporate Personalization

Enhance user engagement by personalizing interactions based on user data and preferences. Address users by their names, reference their previous interactions, and tailor responses according to their specific needs and interests. Personalized experiences make users feel valued and understood, which can lead to higher satisfaction and improved conversion rates.

Provide Easy Escalation to Human Support

Always offer users a straightforward way to connect with a human representative if the chatbot is unable to address their issue or if the conversation reaches a point where human intervention is necessary. This option should be prominently visible and accessible to prevent user frustration and ensure a smooth transition from automated to human support.

Test and Optimize Regularly

Regularly test your chatbot to identify and address any issues that arise. Conduct usability testing to ensure that the chatbot performs well across different devices and scenarios. Gather feedback from users to gain insights into their experiences and identify areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine and optimize the chatbot’s performance, enhancing its effectiveness and user satisfaction over time.

Maintain Transparency

Clearly communicate to users that they are interacting with a chatbot, not a human. Transparency helps manage user expectations and prevents misunderstandings. Make it clear from the outset that the interaction is automated, so users are aware of the chatbot’s limitations and can make informed decisions about how they engage with it. This honesty helps build trust and ensures a smoother user experience.

Don’t Miss Out: Boost Website Engagement With Free AI Chatbots!

A well-designed and intelligent chatbot can help you boost user engagement, automate support, and upgrade your website’s overall user experience.

Curious about “how do I make a chatbot without any cost?” Well, many platforms offer freemium plans, but ProProfs Chat uniquely distinguishes itself from the rest.

What sets it apart is its Forever FREE plan for small teams, including all the premium features! So, when you’re ready to take your chatbot game to the next level, choose ProProfs Chat!

Learn More About Creating Free Chatbots: FAQs

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Yes, most free chatbot platforms allow for customization to match your website’s branding. You can adjust the chatbot’s appearance, including colors, fonts, and logos, to ensure it aligns with your website’s design. This customization helps create a cohesive user experience and reinforces your brand’s identity.

Absolutely! You can update or modify your chatbot even after it’s live. Most platforms provide easy-to-use tools that let you make changes to the chatbot’s conversation flow, responses, and appearance as needed. Regular updates ensure that the chatbot remains effective and continues to meet your needs.

Yes, free chatbot platforms often come with certain limitations. These might include restrictions on the number of interactions, available features, or customization options. Additionally, free plans may offer limited support and integration capabilities compared to paid versions. It’s important to review the platform’s features and limitations to ensure it meets your requirements.

This depends on the chatbot platform you choose. Some free chatbot platforms allow you to deploy a single chatbot across multiple websites, while others may restrict usage to one site per account or require additional fees for multiple site deployments. Check the platform’s terms and conditions or upgrade options to understand its capabilities regarding multiple website usage.

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ProProfs Editorial Team

About the author

ProProfs Live Chat Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to empowering your live chat experiences with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.