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A Step-by-Step Guide to Outsourcing Live Chat Services

A Step-by-Step Guide to Outsourcing Live Chat Services

When was the last time you heard your customers, during an ongoing chat, saying, “Hey, that was pretty fast. Thank you for a quick turnaround.” or “Wow, you guys were so quick to respond.”? If it’s been long since a customer reacted that way, then perhaps you need to dig deeper into the quality and...
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How to Add Live Chat App to Shopify Store

How to Add Live Chat App to Shopify Store

If you own an eCommerce store at Shopify, there’s no need to explain why it is one of the popular platforms among 87% of the merchants.  However, creating an online business website on Shopify alone won’t help you get the conversions for your eCommerce store. You need to get a live chat onboard. Live chat...
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A Quick Guide to Set Up Proactive Live Chat

A Quick Guide to Set Up Proactive Live Chat

Proactive live chat is turning out to be a boon for companies who’ve faced customer backlash for not providing instant support and problem resolution. With the ability to reach the customers first before they find out the issue themselves through proactive customer service, businesses have successfully gained benefits such as: Improved customer retention Increased customer...
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How to Boost Customer Engagement Using Live Chat

How to Boost Customer Engagement Using Live Chat

Did you know that 42% of consumers say that they prefer live chat functions because they don’t have to wait on hold? It’s not a surprise anymore that live chat has been established as the upcoming customer support tool in the market. It’s even becoming a popular sales tool among both B2C (74%) and B2B...
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How to Use Live Chat in Your Contact Center

How to Use Live Chat in Your Contact Center

In the 70s and 80s, call centers were treated as a sales tool by large enterprises where agents would call up the consumer to sell a product. Later on, their toll-free number ‘800’ enabled consumers to get in touch with a business and ask questions related to one of the marketing campaigns they came across....
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How to Handle Multiple Chats at the Same Time

How to Handle Multiple Chats at the Same Time

Ever wondered how challenging it must be for your operators to handle multiple chats at the same time? What if they make a mistake while managing multiple chats or one of their responses prompts the visitor to leave the website before getting a solution? These are some pressing questions that need your immediate attention. Yes,...
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How to Manage Live Chat Support During the Holiday Season & Drive Conversions

How to Manage Live Chat Support During the Holiday Season & Drive Conversions

Changing shopping trends are likely to reshape this 2021 holiday season. 71% of Americans claimed in early August that their holiday traditions will change by up to 10 points. This impacts the way consumers will spend, travel, shop, and celebrate this season. And it is this change in the consumer behavior landscape that will pose a...
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How to Use Live Chat in Your Sales Funnel

How to Use Live Chat in Your Sales Funnel

We’ve seen live chat in action as the customer service and support tool. But lately, it’s evolved and grown. Other than connecting with users and engaging them in real-time conversations, it can also capture qualified leads and increase conversions. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Live chat leveraged as a sales tool not...
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How Live Chat Helps You Shape Customer Journey

How Live Chat Helps You Shape Customer Journey

Imagine being in your customers’ shoes. You’ve landed on the website due to a certain search query and find the product you need. You add it to the cart and are ready to check out. But the moment you reach the checkout page, you realize that you don’t have an account and are requested to...
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The 15 Essential Customer Success Metrics & KPIs (How to Measure & Improve Them)

The 15 Essential Customer Success Metrics & KPIs (How to Measure & Improve Them)

Customers always have so many options in the market to choose their desired product or service. But what about the business owners? “Do they get the opportunity to choose as well?” No, they obviously don’t. If anything, you have a specific target audience who finds your services relevant. Just in case they aren’t satisfied, they...
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